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There are 5 main ways of searching the antique clocks archives:
  • Enter one or more keywords in the search box above and then click the "Search" button.
  • Example: enter "Ansonia" to see all Ansonia clocks; enter "carriage" to see all carriage clocks; enter "Japy" to see all the movements made by Japy...etc.
  • The program will find all records that include all of the words you have entered. You can broaden your search by using fewer search terms, or narrow your search by using more search terms.

    Some examples:
    a. Ansonia
    b. Ansonia Royal Bonn
    c. Ansonia Porcelain
    d. Ansonia Crystal Regulator
    d. Ansonia Porcelain Figural Clock

    Tip: Entering the plural form of a word, such as "clocks", will find only the records that contain the word "clocks". Entering the singular form of a word plus an asterisk, such as "clock*", will find all records containing the singular form "clock" as well as the plural form "clocks". This is known as a wildcard search and is also good when you don't know the correct spelling of a word. For better search results, use the singular or partial form of the word plus the asterisk.
  • If you know the maker's name, or would like to see all clocks in our archives made by a specific maker, click onthe MAKER tab above. The maker's are listed by LAST NAME first.
  • Choose the first letter of the maker's last name to find the maker. For instance, "Seth Thomas" is listed under the letter "T" as "Thomas, Seth"; "Wm. L. Gilbert" is listed under the letter "G" as "Gilbert, Wm. L."; etc.
  • If you know the clock's model name, click on the MODEL NAME tab above.
  • If you know the maker's name as well as the model name, click the maker's name to see all clocks with that model name by that maker that we have in our archive.
  • If you know the model name but not the maker's name, click on the "View all antique clock model names" link to see all clocks by that model name.
  • If you want to see all clocks of a particular type, click on the CLOCK TYPE tab above.
  • Example: You want to see all of the carriage clocks in the clocks archive. Click on the CLOCK TYPE tab and then select "Carriage Clocks" from the list.
  • If you are unsure about what type of clock you have or how we have classified it, use the Illustrated Glossary found under "Types of Clocks" at the top of the left hand menu list.
  • If you want to see all clocks made in a particular country, click on the COUNTRY tab above.
  • Example: You want to see all the German clocks in our archive. Click on the COUNTRY tab and then select "GErmany" from the list.
  • If you are unsure about what type of clock you have or how we have classified it, use the Illustrated Glossary found under "Types of Clocks" at the top of the left hand menu list.


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