Search Hint: Individual's names are listed by their last name first.
Examples: Makers such as "Seth Thomas" or "Eli Terry" are found under the letter "T" as Thomas, Seth or Terry, Eli
Firms with multiple names are listed under the first letter of the first name used.
Example: The firm "Parker and Whipple" is found under the letter "P" |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Babbitt, Charles (4)
Bacilier and Fils
Bacon, John
Badische Uhrenfabrik (11)
Badishe Uhrenfabrik (2)
Baetens, Gerrard
Bailey, Banks and Biddle (14)
Bailey, John
Bailey, Putnam (6)
Bailey, WH and Co (3)
Bailey and Holden
Baillon, Jean Baptiste
Bailly (3)
Bailly, Antony
Bailly, Francois Moret
Baird, Edward P (2)
Baird Clock Co (57)
Baker, George and Co (2)
Baker, Joseph
Baker, S
Balduc Freres
Bally Mfg Co
Balthazar (2)
Banister, Henry
Ban Manufacturing Co
Barard and Lunds
Barbedienne (2)
Barber, Jonas Junior
Barbot (5)
Barichar, John
Barker, Albert
Barlow, Benjamin
Barnes, A
Barnes, Bartholomew and Co (9)
Barnes, Edward (7)
Barnes, P and Co (3)
Barnes Brothers Clock Co
Barnish, John
Barr, Mark (19)
Barrard and Vignon (3)
Barraud (3)
Barraud and Lunds (3)
Barrett, Moses
Barr Mfg Co (15)
Bartholomew, E and GW (34)
Bartholomew and Co, Barnes (2)
Barton, William
Barwise J (2)
Baschet Baullier
Bates, J
Batty, Wm and Son
Baud, Jean Baptiste
Bauer, G J
Bauer, W (2)
Bauerle, Mathias
Bauerle, Tobias and Sons
Bauer Co
Baullier and Fils (2)
Baumann F and Cie (2)
Baume and Mercier
Bautte, JF (3)
Bawo and Dotter (2)
Bayard (4)
Baylis, Jno
Bazeley, FW
Beach, William (3)
Beacham, CE
Beach and Byington
Beach and Hubbell
Beals, JJ (12)
Beals, JJ and W (4)
Bechot and Fils (2)
Becker, Christian
Becker, Gustav (366)
Beers, Lester
Beha, JB (7)
Beha, Johann Baptiste (3)
Bell, GH
Bell, John (2)
Benedict Mfg Co (6)
Bennet, T (2)
Bennett, J
Benson, JW (13)
Bentwe, M (2)
Berger, G (3)
Berger and Wuerker
Berkley, Joseph
Berliner-Zimmeruhren-Fabrik Gmbh
Bernard, E
Berrmayr, Carl
Bertaux, E
Berthoud (2)
Berthoud, F (2)
Berthoud, Pierre Louis
Beucher, C
Bevan and Weare
Bibby, SJ
Bidaux, E
Biddle and Mumford
Biedermeier (12)
Bigelow and Kennard (19)
Billings, J (3)
Bills, Elijah
Bingham, BD (5)
Birge, Case and Co (2)
Birge, Gilbert and Co (5)
Birge, John (11)
Birge, Mallory and Co (36)
Birge, Mallory and Peck (2)
Birge, Peck, and Co (5)
Birge and Fuller (84)
Birge and Ives (4)
Birge and Mallory (12)
Birge and Peck (31)
Birks, Henry and Co
Bishop, Homer
Bishop and Bradley (6)
Black, A and Co
Black, J
Black, Starr and Frost (4)
Blackie, GW
Blackwell, Dana (4)
Blackwell, DJ (4)
Blackwood, W
Black and Murray
Black Forest Clock Co (19)
Blaik, James
Blair and Crawford
Blaisdell, Nicholas (2)
Blakeborough, J M
Blakeslee, H (5)
Blakeslee, M and E (6)
Blakeslee, Ranson Jr
Blakesley, W and Co
Blanc, Henri
Blanc Fils
Blasdel, David
Blasdel, Isaac
Blatt, I
Bliss, John and Co (2)
Bliss and Creighton
Blonde, PH (2)
Blondeau, F (2)
Bloomer and Sperry (2)
Blot and Drouard (3)
Blot and Trourd
Blumberg and Co
Blunt and Nichols
Bly, P
BM and C
Boardman, Chauncey (50)
Boardman and Wells (28)
Boddington W
Bohnnel, Max
Bollard, R
Boltz, Clymer and Co
Bolviller (3)
Bon, JM
Bond, Wm and Son (6)
Bonnet, P and Pottier
Booth, Benjamin
Booth, R
Borensteiner, Thomas
Borowansky, Joh
Boston Clock Co (93)
Bostwick and Burgess
Bothamley, Parkinson
Botsford, Jerome
Botsford, SN (2)
Bourdin (4)
Boxell, T
Boyd, J and W
Boye, Charles
Brace, Rodney (22)
Bradford, KJ (2)
Bradley (10)
Bradley, Langley
Bradley, Lucius (7)
Bradley and Hubbard (59)
Bradley Mfg Co (2)
Bradshaw, Wm
Bras, Matthijs
Breguet (57)
Breitinger and Sons
Bremond, BA (2)
Brevett (3)
Brewster, EC and Co (39)
Brewster, GG
Brewster and Ingraham (142)
Brewster Mfg Co (14)
Brice, James
Bridgeport Brass Co (3)
Briggs (13)
Bright, E
Bright and Sons
Brillie Electrique
Bristol, Talor
Bristol Brass and Clock Co (10)
Bristol Clockworks (2)
British United Clock Co (10)
Brocard, C
Brocot, A (8)
Brocot, A and Delettrez
Brocot and Delettrez (2)
Broderick, Thomas
Brokaw, Aaron
Brokaw, Isaac (3)
Brook, Gledhill
Brosse (3)
Brossier (2)
Brown, George W (2)
Brown, JC (131)
Brown, Joseph (2)
Brown, Nelson H (4)
Bruel, Auguste (2)
Bruguier, Charles Abraham
Brunier, C
Brunner, J
Bruno, George (2)
Brunswick Balke Collender Co (3)
Brutman, F and Sohn
Bryson, John (2)
Bryson, R
Bucherer (2)
Buffalo Clock Co
Bull, John Clock Co
Bulle (16)
Bulova (13)
Bundy Mfg Co (3)
Bundy Time Recording Co
Bunnell, Edwin
Burleigh, TE Jr (8)
Burnap, Daniel
Burr, Horace
Burr, Jonathan (4)
Burritt, Joseph
Burroughs Co, The (15)
Burr and Chittenden (5)
Burslem (3)
Burtt, Ty (2)
Burwell, Austin S
Burwell, Elias
Burwell and Carter (2)
Butler, Roman M
Butler and Henderson
Buttonworth, Samuel
Byington, Lawyer
B and C
B and Cie
B and C Co
B and W