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Find out what dealers and collectors have actually paid for antique grandfather, mantel or wall clocks like yours. Covers American, European and Continental clocks of all types.
We have 38,769 antique clock prices, images and descriptions as of December 4, 2024.
Search Hint: Individual's names are listed by their last name first.
Examples: Makers such as "Seth Thomas" or "Eli Terry" are found under the letter "T" as Thomas, Seth or Terry, Eli
Firms with multiple names are listed under the first letter of the first name used.
Example: The firm "Parker and Whipple" is found under the letter "P" |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Fabrik, WC
Fagf R
Faichney, Peter
Fairbanks and Co (3)
Farbinger, Johann (2)
Farcot (26)
Fardon, Thom and Jno
Farjaire, F
Farnborough, Theedon S
Farquharson, Alexander
Farr, Thomas and Sons
Farren Brothers
Farrington, BS
Fasoldt, Charles (2)
Fattorini, Thomas
Feben, W
Fedchenko, Feodosii Mikhailovich
Federl, Christian
Feishtinger, Charles (15)
Felsing, Conrad
Fenn, John L
Ferdinandi, Ernst
Fernier, Louis
Ferrieres, Renard A
Festeau a Paris
Finch, John
Finster, Howard
First Moscow Watch Factory (3)
Fisher, E (4)
Fitts, George (2)
Fitzroy, Admiral (2)
Fleet, John
Flieg, A
Flieg, Valentine
Flint Furniture Co
Florn Co
Folkard and Son
Fontes Adolphe
Forbes, Wells (8)
Forbes and Tucker
Fordham, Joseph
Forestville Hardware Clock Co
Forestville Mfg Co (198)
Forgie, Fraser (9)
Forrestville Hardward and Clock Co (2)
Forster, Alexander and Co
Forsythe, James
Fortney (2)
Foulkes, Robert
Fouquet, S
Fraiser, WE
Francois, J
Frank, Levi (2)
Franken, P
Frankfield, A and Co (9)
Frankl, Simon (2)
Franklin Mint (12)
Fraser, Hugh
Freiburg United Clock Factories (4)
French Royal Exchange
Frick, Fred Clock Co (4)
Frisbie, L and J and Co (2)
Fritz Marti et Fils
Frodsham, Charles (9)
Frodsham and Baker
Frost, Benjamin
Frost, Jonathan (7)
Fuji Clock Co (6)
Furtwangler, Lorenz and Sohne
Furtwangler, L and Sohne (17)